Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Progesterone Deficiency - Progessence Plus Serum

In the past few months my healthcare professional and I have been researching progesterone since I have an estrogen dominance.  I did take progesterone pills which let's just say we believe I was exposed to gluten even after researching the medicine.  My local pharmacist called the manufacturer would not confirm or deny if there was gluten in it.  That tells me it is time to quit the supplement.

There are other ways to get progesterone.  My doctor and I could have it compounded but my insurance quit paying for compounded creams.  Also, you still run the risk of the side effects synthetic progesterone can cause. I have previously stated I tend to be the freak of nature when it comes to the side effects of medication and so I decided to keep looking for all natural solutions.  I have had done some research thanks to a co-worker doing aromatherapy and made a decision Young Living Essential Oil Progessence Plus Serum is an option.  

The catch with the Progessence Plus Serum is that it has tocopherol/Vitamin E that is derived from wheat (gluten issue).  I have been fortunate my co-worker was able to obtain a sample of this serum.  After a week and a half of trying the serum, knock on wood, I have shown no signs of reacting to the serum and I am feeling better at the moment.  We will see if there is a reaction in the future.

The other option I am still researching and will post about in the future is wild yam creams.  The one I found at the local Whole Food's Store was not guaranteed gluten free and with no sample I am not willing to take my chances trying it.  So, I am still researching.

Below is a picture of the YLEO's Progessence Plus Serum and a link to their webpage.

1 comment:

  1. Today is May 16, 2014 and I still have had no reaction to Progessence Plus Serum due to the tocopherol/Vitamin E being derived from wheat. That is a huge step in the right direction. I am still researching wild yam creams and have found one I want to try but since the Progessence Plus Serum seems to be helping I am going to just change one thing at a time.
