Monday, May 5, 2014

Acne - Accutane

Acne, Acne, Acne - ARGH.

Acne has by far been one of my worst enemies over the years.  I have always suffered from cystic acne that would get so painful and utterly embarrassing I would want to craw under my bed and not come out until it was all gone. Real realistic when cystic acne can take weeks to go away.

So, my mother, bless her heart, a nurse that thought and still thinks everything little sniffle can be cured by pill popping started the journey dealing with my acne by means of pill popping.  We tried sulfa drugs, tetracycline, doxycycline, birth control, topical gels and let's just say if you name it I probably tried it.  After awhile nothing was working.  She finally took me to a real dermatologist.  The solution:  ACCUTANE!  If you know nothing about Accutane let's just say it is one of the worst drugs out there.  It is used in cancer treatments.  Not just once did I take Accutane but FOUR times.  You would think if you have acne come back over and over you are NOT part of that small percentage of people that will never have acne again. I would think a dermatologist would suggest other options rather than push more drugs at you.  That didn't happen and I went through several dermatologists that still claimed Accutane was the best solution.  Don't get me wrong, I had beautiful skin when I was on Accutane and for about six months after but the acne always returned.  Knowing what I know now I wish I would have gone to a nutritionist or naturalpathic doctor for help with my acne but at that time in my life nutritionist and naturalpathic doctors were not as prevalent as they are today.

 I still wonder to this day how much damage Accutane has caused my body and I don't think it ever will be "normal".  My healthcare professionals and I are still working on damage control. There is a lot of Standard Process Purification Programs in my future to keep candida manageable and keep my body cleansed of toxins to try and maintain a healthy body/immune system.

I will add more to this or do a follow-up blog to take the acne issue further.  There is a lot of things I have tried that I have not even touched upon yet.

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