Friday, May 16, 2014

Dear Gluten

Dear Gluten: How can I explain my love for you? You hide yourself in all my favorite foods and you make me read label after label and cross-reference words I cannot even fathom how to pronounce to make sure you are not hiding somewhere trying to get me. Gluten, you can be very tricky! I cannot believe you even hide yourself in makeup, shampoo, conditioner and soaps which makes me spend countless hours of research finding what products I can put on my skin and face without erupting into a red volcano rash and many times large painful zits. You have taken away one of my favorite things called bread. Oh bread, I miss you. I can only hope someday I will discover how to make a gluten-free Bánh Mì - Vietnamese baguette sandwich! and gluten free chocolate croissants. Gluten, you have caused my grocery budget to basically quadruple over the last year which really cuts into my FUN money! Let's not forget how you drive my friends and family nuts when trying to find a restaurant that has gluten free options. I could go on forever how much I love you but I will digress here.

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