Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Major Pain Breakthrough

I have gone to see a new chiropractor.  It was difficult to do because I have been so loyal to my previous one and she never gives up on me improving my health.  Let's face it breakups are just hard.

This breakup has brought me major pain relief.  I have suffered from pain in my neck and back since I was in high school.  My body has just never held an adjustment for more than a few days.  No one could seem to find out why I was always in so much nagging and draining pain.

Dr. Don McKenzie figured out in one adjustment what was the root of all my issues.  Since he adjusted my back it was instantly a HUGE relief.  I didn't want to move off the adjustment table it felt so wonderful.  He told me we were not done and then he did work on my neck.  He was only able to adjust it on the right side but it was like I had a brand new neck.  My upper atlas is no longer going out in my sleep and I am no longer grinding my teeth during the night.  I wake up with almost no pain.  I can't tell you the last time I remember waking up with no pain.  I have had to go back for a few minor adjustments but to be expected when you are out of alignment for about 20+ years.  Things won't be magically cured but it is our goal that I do not have to keep going back for adjustments every few weeks.

Below is Dr. Don's website.

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