Friday, February 6, 2015

Mean Green Juice Recipe

Mean Green Juice 

1 Cucumber 
4 Celery Stalks 
2 Green Apples 
1/2 Lemon 
1 piece of ginger 
A couple handfuls of Kale, Swiss Chard & Spinach mixture

PCOS & Insulin Resistance - It's a start

I am on to researching PCOS and insulin resistance....  The reasoning behind it is because I am still having terrible acne breakouts along my jawline and chin when I eat gluten, dairy, yeast, caffeine & sugar.  It isn't an allergy at this point since I have done the allergy desensitization and had several follow-up appointments showing no reactions.

If you read about how gluten, dairy, yeast, caffeine & sugar affect your adrenals which in turn affects your hormones it is quite an interesting subject.  I am just starting my research on this topic.

There is a blog that I found and felt bad for the gal struggling with acne, PCOS and being pregnant.  I felt as though I should write about some of my experiences to her even though she started the blog a few years ago and might not need the help now but others that come across her page might find the information helpful. Here is a link to her blog:

Below is what I posted on her blog:
Hi- I am new to PCOS but figured I would pass on some helpful information I have found since I have struggled with hormonal acne for years.
Try bentonite clay masks for your face. I mix the bentonite clay with apple cider vinegar (ACV) and a bit of purified water. You could also mix it with witch hazel for the antibacterial piece. (I saw your post on green clay and that is a good one as well.)
At night if I have horrible cystic acne I use Christopher’s Black Ointment to draw out the infection. Sometimes this ointment has caused the cystic acne to go away without drawing out the infection. Warning this stuff stinks!
I use coconut or avocado oil on my skin and try to stick to the oil cleansing method.
You could also get a small spray bottle and spray witch hazel on your face throughout the day to keep bacteria down. I do this before and after I put on makeup because the brushes harbor bacteria no matter how well you clean them.
Staying away from gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine and yeast is huge. I can tell when I have had any form of these things things. Something to research insulin resistance since it goes hand and hand with PCOS. There are a lot of gluten free options on the internet. I have also adopted eating a lot of Indian and Asian (Thai, Laotian & Vietnamese) foods. A lot of their food is very basic, simple to make and good for you. Researching and adopting more of a raw food diet has also helped as well. I don’t think I could ever eat a complete raw food diet! Below are some websites I follow to get raw food ideas.
I also eat a lot of ginger and turmeric because they are both natural anti-inflammatory. I make a lot of bone broth soups because of their health benefits.
It might be worth trying some essential oils you can use topically to help calm down your acne. My massage therapist makes a mixture of the oils listed on the below website with avocado oil. It is wonderful.
If you need a topical antibiotic you can get a doctor to prescribe Clindamycin Pledgets.
I hope this helps. The more we all share the better!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


The opinions expressed on my blog are based on my own thoughts, knowledge, and experiences. Please keep in mind that I am not a Doctor or other health professional so please consult the appropriate professional before making any changes to your diet, health, or other applicable areas. 
Any views or opinions represented in the blog comments are accredited to the respective commentor and do not necessarily reflect my own views or opinions. I reserve the right to moderate comment suitability in support of respecting racial, religious, personal, and political sensitivities.

Juice Recipe - Starburst

I have been juicing on and off for the past few years since I found a brand new juicer at the thrift store for $5.  I am finally coming up with some recipes I want to share.  This one I call Starburst that is loaded with fruit, anti-inflammatory properties and vitamins to help you stay healthy.

1 small piece of Turmeric 
1/2 inch piece of Ginger
1 Green Apple 
4 Oranges, peeled
1 Lemon, peeled

Put all this in the juicer and juice away.  This juice is a nice rich yellow/orange color.  You can strain the juice to remove more of the pulp if that is your preference.  Personally, I like to keep the pulp in because it contains vitamins that are good for you

Pour into a container and enjoy!